Mantecado (Cuban Vanilla Ice Cream)


Mantecado is a very unique flavor ice cream, almost like a frozen natilla. It has a rich vanilla custard flavor with a hint of cinnamon. The technique laid out by Nitza is unique because it is a no-churn recipe, and therefore does not require any special equipment. This recipe is definitly a keeper.



Time: about 30 minutes cooking time, 4-6 hours total

Makes 8 servings


6 egg yolks

1 cup white sugar

1 cup whole milk

2 tbsp. flour

¼ tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. cinnamon

2 tbsp. vanilla

3 egg whites

4 tbsp. white sugar

1 can evaporated milk



  • Refrigerate the can of evaporated milk right before before starting to allow it to chill well.
  • Separate the yolks from 6 eggs. Keep all 6 yolks and only 3 whites.


  • Beat the yolks and 1 cup sugar until they are well incorporated. 
  • In a blender, blend the milk, flour, salt, and cinnamon.
  • Mix this well with the yolks.
  • Strain into a double-boiler and cook on medium-high heat until the mixture thickens, stirring constantly (may take 20-30 minutes).
  • Remove from heat and add the vanilla. Allow to cool completely (about 1 hour in refrigerator).
  • Once the egg mixture is at room temperature, in a separate bowl, beat the egg whites while slowly adding in 4 tsp. sugar until they form stiff peaks.
  • Fold in the egg mixture until well incorporated. Allow to chill in refrigerator for about an hour.
  • Once the custard is chilled, pour the chilled evaporated milk into a round mixing bowl and whisk until it doubles in size and can form soft peaks.
  • Gently beat in the chilled custard until well incorporated.
  • Pour into a large freezer-safe container and freeze for at least 2 hour, or until it sets.

Notes & Comments:

  • This recipe is fairly simple and delicious. It was a hit and was gone in a day. Decided to make it again, but I ended up cutting some corners, especially steps that I thought were unnecessary. It came out just as good and in even less time! Here are the modifiations I made: 
    • Blend the yolks, sugar, milk, flour, salt, and cinnamon in a blender for about 30 minutes.
    • Skip the double boiler (it takes more time to cook). Strain the egg mixture into a a saucepan and cook on low heat, stirring constantly while scraping the bottom, until it thickens into a custard (about 5-10 mins). Remove from heat, stir in vanilla, then refrigerate for an hour.
    • Once the egg custard has chilled, beat the egg whites and fold in the egg mixture.
    • Whip the chilled evaporated milk. Gently fold together with the egg mixture. Pour into the freezer safe container and freeze.
  • While freezing, although not necessary, it might be a good idea to check in every hour or so to mix the ice cream. This will help prevent it from freezing solid and maintain a fluffy texture. You can also just use an ice-cream machine if you prefer.
  • I have seen some people add a little nutmeg.
  • I have had mantecado before with crushed Maria cookies mixed in. High recommend doing this.



Receta Original:





6 yemas

1 taza azúcar blanca

1 taza de leche

2 cdas. de harina

¼ cdta. de sal

1/8 cdta. de canela

2 cdas. de vainilla

3 claras

4 cdas. azúcar blanca

1 lata leche evaporada


        Ponga a enfriar la leche evaporada en una gaveta de refrigerador. Bata las yemas con el azúcar hasta que estén bien espesas. “Osterice” la leche con la harina, sal y canela. Añádala a las yemas. Cuélelo todo y póngalo al baño de María revolviendo constantemente hasta espese. Añádale la vainilla y déjelo refrescar. Bata las claras a punto de nieve añadiéndoles poco a poco el azúcar. Agrégueles poco a poco la crema de huevo ya fresca. Viértalo todo en una gaveta del refrigerador y déjela enfriar. Cuando ya la leche evaporada esté bien congelada viértala en un taza bola y bátala gasta que esté bien espese y cremosa. Añádale la otra mezcla fría y bátalo hasta unirlo todo. Viértalo en dos gavetas de refrigerador y déjelo enfriar nuevamente hasta que cuaje. Aproximadamente 2 horas. Da 8 raciones.
