Boniatillo con Coco


Boniato is a white sweet potato that is a little more starchy that the traditional orange sweet potatoes. Boniatillo is a dessert made with this vegetable. It has a unique flavor that is sweet and heavy, but very delicious. Nitza's cookbooks do not have the recipe for plain boniatillo, only with coconut, cheese, or orange (will be making these later), but I'm sure the recipe is almost the same.



Time: about 2 hours
Makes 12 servings


2 lbs. boniato (about 3 boniatos)
2 lbs. white sugar (about 4.5 cups)
3 cups milk
6 egg yolks
1 cup coconut milk
Cinnamon powder 


  • Peel the boniato and immediately place in water, they oxidize almost immediately.
  • Cut each in half and weight 2 lbs (this is about 3 boniato). Cut off any excess.


  • In a pot filled with water, boil the boniato on low and covered for about 30-45 minutes, until a fork goes in easily
  • Once soft, drain out most of the water (you can leave in a little) and mash them with a fork
  • Mix in the milk and sugar with an immersion blender
  • Pass mixture through a sieve, then cook in pot over medium heat for about 10 minutes to thicken
  • In a bowl, mix the egg yolks and coconut milk
  • Temper the eggs by slowly pouring in and quickly whisking in a ladle of the boniato
  • Pour the egg mixture into the saucepan and cook on low heat, stirring constantly, for about half an hour, or until thickens (it is ready when a line remains when running a spoon through the pot).
  • Pour into serving bowl(s) and refrigerate.
  • Serve cold. When ready to serve, sprinkle cinnamon powder over the top.

Notes & Comments:

  • DO NOT throw away the remaining egg whites. You can make an egg white omelette, meringue, or merenguitos (link here)
  • This recipe is huge and make a lot of boniatillo. I'd recommend cutting this recipe in half, unless you're making it for a large gathering.
  • I would skip the sieve step. Although it supposedly make it a smoother, I don't think it would make much of a difference.
  • I love cinnamon sprinkled over desserts, but I personally believe this dessert does not need it.

Receta Original:


2 lbs. de boniato
2 lbs. azúcar blanca
3 tazas de leche
6 yemas de huevo
1 taza leche de coco
Canela en polvo

        Salcoche los boniatos y redúzcalos a puré. Añádales la leche y azúcar. Páselo todo por un colador y cocínelo a fuego mediano hasta que espese. Mezcle las yemas con la leche de coco. Añádale un poco del boniatillo caliente. Mézclelo todo nuevamente y cocínelo aproximadamente media hora más o hasta que se vea el fondo de la cazuela al revolverlo. Da 12 raciones.
