Boniato Frito

An easy and tasty side dish made with boniato, a white sweet potato. They can be cut into really any shape you like. They taste like less sweet sweet potato fries.



Time: 5 minutes
Makes approximately 4 or more per boniato (depends how thick you cut them).

Ingredients: Boniato(s)


  • Peel the boniato and cut into slices about 1/2-inch thick.
  • Fry them in oil at 365°F for about 5 minutes, or until they start to brown. Flip occasionally.
  • Dry on absorbent paper towel. 
  • When ready to serve, re-fry them at 390°F for about 3 minutes or until they turn a golden brown color.
  • Dry on paper towel and sprinkle with salt for flavor.

Notes & Comments:

  • As soon as you peel and cut the boniato, place slices in water, it oxidizes almost immediately. Made sure to pat very dry before frying.
  • As you will see in the picture, I cut these thinner than 1/2-inch. You can cut the boniato into any thickness or shape you like (chips, french fries, cubes, waffle fries, etc.). If you cut thinner, you really only have to fry them once.


Receta Original:


        Pele el boniato y cortelo en ruedas de aproximadamente media pulgada de espesor. Frialas a 365°F hasta que empiecen a dorarse, aproximadamente 5 minutos. Esurralos sobre el papel absorbente. Al momento de servirlos, vuélvalos a freir a 390°F durante unos 3 minutos o hasta que estén doraditos. Polvoreelos con sal a gusto.
