Tartaletas de Merengue (Merenguitos)

Merenguitos are traditionally French and guilty pleasure. These are a great way to make use of left over egg whites from recipes that call for many egg yolks.



Time: 50-60 minutes
Makes approximately 20


¾ cups egg whites (approximately 6 eggs)
2 cups white sugar
1 ½ tspn. vinegar



  • Preheat the over to 275°F
  • Measure out ingredients 



  • Begin beating the egg whites at high speed
  • Slowly pour in one cup of sugar, about 1 tbsp. every 5-10 seconds.
  • Alternate the second cup of sugar with the vinegar.
  • Continue beating until the mixture firms up, or reaches a soft stiff peak state.
  • On a pan lined with parchment paper, spoon in enough to create a shells, tartlet, or merengue of about 3 inches in diameter and 1 inch thick
  • Bake in the over at 275°F for 40 minutes
  • Allow to cool completely and remove carefully 
  • Optional: serve filled with ice-cream or marmalade.


Notes & Comments:

  • If you skip the baking step, you have a meringue which can be used to top a pie or serve with desserts as an alternative to whipped cream. Put in the broiler or torch to leave a nice brown topping.
  • Instead of spooning the mixture on the pan, you can using a piping bag.
  • You'll know they're done when they start cracking at the top.
  • Best to use an electric oven.
  • You can make these really any size you like, but the bigger they are, the chewier they are in the center (which I personally prefer).
  • These are perfect as is, but if you want to experiment with other flavors, feel free to add cocoa powder, vanilla, or any flavor extract.


Receta Original:


¾ taza de claras
2 tazas azúcar blanca
1 ½ cdta. de vinagre

        Bata las claras a punto de nieve añadiéndoles poco a poco una taza de azúcar. Añádales la segunda taza de azúcar alternando con el vinagre. Póngalo por cucharadas sobre una tartera forrada con papel ligeramente engrasado, dándole forma de conchas o tartaletas de unas tres pulgadas de diámetro y una pulgada de espesor. Hornéelas a 275°F. durante 40 minutos. Quítelas con cuidado del papel. Cuando estén frías sírvalas rellenas con helado o mermelada de frutas. Salen 12 tartaletas.
