Arroz Blanco (White Rice)

One of the simplest things to make. The essential side dish for virtually any Cuban meal. Best served immediately, so start preparing about 30 minutes before ready to serve. Serve with frijoles negros (black beans) for the full Cuban experience.



Time: 35 minutes

Makes about 6 servings

1 lb. rice (about 2 ½ cups)

3 cups water

1 tbsp. salt

2 garlic cloves

3 tsp. olive oil


  • Wash rice well buy soaking it water for a few seconds then draining it. Repeat this 2-3 times until the water you strain is clear.
  • Crush, or slice thin, the garlic cloves.


  • In a flat saucepan, heat the oil on high and fry the garlic cloves until they turn golden brown.
  • Remove the garlic and take pot off of the heat.
  • Pour the water and salt into the pot of oil, then bring to high heat.
  • When the water begins boiling, immediately add the rice.
  • Once it comes to a boil again, lower to simmering and cover well.
  • Allow to cook for about 30 minutes.
  • Uncover and serve immediately.

Notes & Comments:

  • Nitza's recipe is different from the way I've always made it, but the addition of garlic is something I see myself doing from now on.
  • I think it could use more salt.
  • Next time I would chop the fried garlic cloves very finely and pour into the rice before covering it to cook.
  • I have heard before that some people like adding a dollop of lard into the rice before covering to cook. If you've done this, let me know how it is!


Receta Original:





1 lb. de arroz

3 tazas de agua

1 cda. de sal

2 dientes de ajo

3 cdas. de aceite


        En una cacerola llana, caliente el aceite y sofría los dientes de ajo hasta que se vean doraditos. Saque los dientes de ajo y baje el aceite de la candela.

        Eche en la cazuela donde está el aceite, el agua con la sal. Cuando empiece a hervir el agua, añada inmediatamente el arroz lavado. Dejelo que empiece hervir nuevamente y luego baje la llama de modo que termine de cocinar a fuego lento bien tapado durante 30 minutos aproximadamente. Da 6 raciones.

