Camarones al Horno (Baked Shrimp)


This is a very simple individualized dish that can be served as a meal or even as an appetizer. I feels like it would make a very tapa.





Time: 20-25 minutes

Makes 6 to 8 servings



3 lbs. shrimp

2 tsp. of salt

¼ tsp. pepper

½ cup of broth

2 tbsp. vino seco (cooking wine)

¼ lb. butter (1 stick, or 8 tbsp.)

6 cloves of garlic

6 tbsp. minced parsley

1½ cup toasted bread crumbs


  • If you bought whole shrimp, devein the them, wash them well, and then dry them well with an absorbent paper or cloth.
  • Cut/mince the garlic cloves finely.
  • Grease the ramekins with butter.


  • Sprinkle the shrimp with salt and pepper.
  • Divide them into six to eight individual ramekins greased with butter and top off with broth and vino seco.
  • In a saucepan, heat the garlic and butter over medium heat and cook until garlic turns golden brown.
  • Remove/strain the garlic cloves.
  • Mix the breadcrumbs and parsley with the garlic-infused butter, stirring until everything is well combined.
  • Generously sprinkle the breadcrumb mixture over each remekin and bake at 400 °F for 15 minutes.
  • Serve immediately.

Notes & Comments:

  • Deveining shrimp is tedious and time consuming. I'd recommend buying pre-deveined shrimp to save some time.
  • Lemon would make a really great addition.
  • Next time I would add even more breadcrumbs.
  • Nitza recommends using Pyrex remekins, but you can really use anything, such as porcelain. You can also make this as one large dish.
  • Don't throw the garlic away. It can probably be used for another dish, or add to rice to add extra flavor.




Receta Original:





3 lbs. de camarones

2 cdtas. de sal

¼ cdta. de pimienta

½ taza de consommé

2 cdas. vino seco

¼ lb. mantequilla

6 dientes de ajo

6 cdas. de perejil picadito

1½ taza de pan tostado y molido


            Limpie los camarones crudos, quitándoles bien la venita de atrás. Lávelos y después séquelos con un papel absorbente o un paño. Polvoréelos con sal y pimienta. Repártalos en seis tarteritas “Pyrex” individuales engrasadas con mantequilla y écheles por encima el consommé y el vino. Ponga en una cacerola al fuego el ajo con la mantequilla hasta que éste se dore. Quítele los dientes de ajo y añádale a la mantequilla el pan molido y el perejil revolviéndo hasta unirlo todo. Polvorée esta mezcla sobre los camarones y hornéelos a 400°F durante 15 minutos. Da 6 u 8 raciones.
