Sopresa de Jamon (Ham Surprise Sandwich)

A surprisingly quick and easy meal. It is almost like an egg salad and ham sandwich fusion. Can be served as a small appetizer, or sandwich two together for a tasty lunch.



Time: about 15 minutes

Makes 8 servings


8 slices of bread

8 slices of ham

2 egg whites

¾ cup mayonnaise

2 csp. mustard



  • Preheat oven to 450°F.
  • Lay the slices of bread on a baking pan and place a slice of ham over each.
  • Beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks.
  • Gently folding in the mayonnaise and mustard.
  • Spread a spoonful of this mixture over the ham.
  • Bake in the oven for about 5 minutes, or until it turns golden brown.
  • Serve immediately.

Notes & Comments:

  • You can adjust the ratio of mayonnaise to mustard to your liking.
  • You can add more ham to you liking as well!




Receta Original:





8 rebanadas pan de molde

8 lascas de jamón

2 claras de huevo

¾ taza mayonesa

2 cdtas. de mostaza 


        Encienda el horna a 450°F.

        Coloque una lasta de jamón sobre cada rebanada de pan. Bata las claras a punto de nieve, añádales la mayonesa y la mostaza, envolviendo todo suavemente. Ponga esta mezcla por cucharadas sobre el jamón. Hornéelos aproximadamente 5 minutos hasta que estén doraditos. Sírvalos inmediatamente. Da 8 raciones.

