Arroz con Leche (Rice Pudding)


Every Spanish-speaking country makes rice pudding, as well as many European countries. But it a staple Cuban dessert, and it's pretty simple to make. Nitza provides a basic recipe, but it can be modified to you liking by using different milks and rices. The recipe includes direction at the end for using a can of evaporated or condensed milk instead of whole milk. But the basic recipe was amazing.






Time: About 1.5 hours

Makes approximately 8 servings



½ cup white rice (Peal/Valencia preferably)

1½ cup water

Quarter-size piece of lime rind

1 cinnamon stick

1 liter whole milk (about 4 cups)

1 cup white sugar

¼ tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

Cinnamon powder




  • Clean the rice, then place it in a large saucepan with the water, lime rind, and cinnamon stick.
  • Bring rice to a boil on high heat, then immediately bring to low heat and cover for about 15-20 minutes, until the rice softens.
  • Add the milk, salt, and sugar.
  • Bring to a boil on high heat again, then immediately bring to medium-low heat.
  • Cook until it thickens (about 45-60 minutes), stirring occasionally and scraping the bottom of pot with the mixing spoon to prevent rice from sticking to the bottom and burning.
  • Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla.
  • Pour into a serving bowl, or individual bowls, and powder with cinnamon (optional).
  • Can be served warm or cold.


  • Evaporated Milk: Use 1 can of evaporate milk diluted with 2¼ cups water.
  • Sweetened Condensed Milk: use 1 can of sweetened condensed milk diluted in 3 cups of water. Do not use sugar. 
  • To serve arroz con leche in the Spanish tradition, instead of cinnamon powder, sprinkle white sugar over the pudding and toast it under a broiler or with a torch.


Notes & Comments:

  • I believe you can use any white rice you want, but Valencia is what I'm used to and has an very smooth texture.
  • When you add the milk, you need to watch it carefully because it can easily boil over (it happened to me). If it begins to bubble heavily, lower the heat even more.
  • The lime rind is powerful. I personally like a bigger slice, but you can make it as big or small (or not even add it) as you like. But quarter-sized is a good start.
  • I like pouring into individual ramekins and refrigerating. Some people do not like cinnamon, and others like adding more (like me). So I'd recommend serving with the cinnamon powder on the side.



Receta Original:





½ taza de arroz

1½ taza de agua

1 pedazo de cáscara de limón

1 rama de canela

1 litro de leche

1 taza azúcar blanca

¼ cdta. de sal

1 cdta. de vainilla

Canela en polvo


        Lave el arroz y póngalo a cocina con el agua, limón y canela en rama hasta que se ablande. Añádale la leche, sal y azúcar. Déjelo cocina a fuego mediana hasta que espese, aproximadamente una hora. Revuélvalo de vez en cuando para que no se pegue en el fondo. Viértalo en la dulcera y polvoréelo con canela. De aproximadamente 8 raciones.

        Con leche evaporada, use una lata de leche evaporada diluida en 2¼ tazas de agua.

        Con leche condensada, use una lata de leche condensada diluida en 3 taza de agua. No use azúcar.

        De acuerdo con esta receta básica pueden hacerse distintas combinaciones de arroz con leche, usando leche de vaca combinada con evaporada, condensada o con las tres a la vez. Siempre debe ablandarse el arroz en agua antes de añadir la leche.

        Para servir el arroz con leche a la española, polvoréelo con azúcar después de ponerla en la dulcera, y queme el azúcar con una plancha o salamandra caliente.
