Maple Syrup

In Spanish, maple is known as “arce”. But Nitza states that Cuban’s just call is “sirope de maple” or maple syrup. This is most likely because of of their neighbors, the United States, who serve it with with waffles, hotcakes/pancakes, and French toast. But she also recommends trying it with Cuban desserts such as fruturas (fritters), torrejas, and buñuelos.

Real maple syrup is far superior, but this is a great alternative that is tasty and cheap to make. I would recommend buying good quality maple extract.




2 cup water

2 cup white sugar

⅛ tsp. salt

⅛ tsp. lime juice

1 tsp. maple extract

½ tsp. vanilla



  • Add the water, sugar, salt, and lime juice into a saucepan.
  • Bring to a boil over high heat for 5-10 minutes until it thickens into a syrup, or until it reaches 230°F.
  • Remove from heat and stir in the maple extract and vanilla
  • Allow to cool completely
  • Makes about 3 cups maple syrup

Notes & Comments:

  • Careful not to under or over heat the syrup. Under-heat it and it's very watery. If you overheat it, it lumps up and hardens quickly (I made that mistake the first time). Highly recommend using a candy thermometer.
  • Feel free to add brown food coloring at the end to give it a darker color.
  • This recipe is easy to half. Don't make the full amount unless you each pancakes all the time or have a large family.
  • I don't know how long this can refrigerate for. I left it in the refrigerator for about 2 months and I noticed it started to crystalize at the bottom, but it was still fine.  





Receta Original:




    El almíbar o sirope de arce conocido generalmente en nuestro medio como “sirope de maple” es usado en los Estados Unidos para servir con los waffles y hot cakes, también con las tostadas a la francesa. Es muy sabroso para servir con frituras, torrejas y buñuelos.


2 taza de agua

2 tazas azúcar blanca

⅛ cdta. de sal

⅛ cdta. jugo de limón

1 cdta. extracto de Maple

½ cdta. vainilla


    Ponga en una cacerola el agua, azúcar, sal y limón. Cocínelo durante unos cinco minutos o hasta que al tomar un poco con los dedos, peque ligeramente (230°F). Bájelo del fuego. Añada extracto y vainilla. Da aproximadamente 3 tazas de sirope.
