Spaguettis a la Napolitana

This recipe was surprisingly pretty good! The star of this dish is the tomato and mushroom sauce. It's not Cuban, but it makes a simple meal for pasta lovers.



Time: 1 hour
Makes about 8 servings

1 lb. spaghetti
3 liter water
1 tbsp. salt
1 tbsp. cooking oil (olive recommended)
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
2 tbsp. cooking oil
2 ounces jam
2 ounces de salchichón
10 mushrooms (small, like cremini)
1 cup broth (chicken or beef)
1 can tomato paste
½ cup cooking white wine (vino seco)
½ tsp. salt
⅛ tsp. pepper
¼ lb. shredded cheese (parmesan recommended)

  • In a bowl, mince the onion and garlic through a grater or food processor
  • In another bowl, grind the jam and salchichón
  • Chop the mushrooms to your liking

  • Add cooling oil to a saucepan and bring to medium heat
  • Fry the onion and garlic until the onion starts becoming soft
  • Add the ground jam, salchichón, and mushrooms and fry for about 3-4 minutes
  • Add the broth, tomato paste, vino seco, salt, and pepper
  • Bring sauce to a boil on high heat, then immediately bring to low heat and cover pot
  • Allow to cook for 30 minutes
  • In another pot, bring the water, salt, and oil to a boil
  • Add the spaghetti and allow to cook for 7-10 minutes, or until al dente
  • Strain the spaghetti and stir in the sauce
  • Top with shredded cheese and serve warm

Notes & Comments:
  • Salchichón is a Spanish sausage. If you cannot find it, salami, pepperoni, or chorizo would make a good substitute.
  • I’m sure you can use other types of mushrooms. You you choose larger ones, like Portobello, probably use only 5 instead.
  • A simple way to grind the meats is with a food processor or blender. If you do not have, you can chop finely. You can grind the mushrooms in the same way.

Receta Original:


1 lb. spaguettis
3 litros de agua
1 cda. de sal
1 cda. aceite
1 cebolla
2 dientes de ajo
2 cdas. aceite
2 onzas de jamón
2 onzas de salchichón
10 champiñones
1 taza de caldo
1 latica pasta de tomate
½ taza vino seco
½ cdta. de sal
⅛ cdta. de pimienta
¼ lb. queso rallado

        Muela la cebolla y el ajo, sofríalos ligeramente en el aceite. Añádale el jamón y el salchichón molidos, los champiñones picados y sofríalo todo unos minutos más. Añádale el caldo, la pasta de tomate y el vino seco, la sal y la pimienta. Cocínela a fuego lento durante unos 30 minutos.
        Ponga al fuego el agua con la sal y el aceite. Cuando esté hirviendo eche los spaguettis y deje la cazuela destapada. Déjelos unos diez minutos hasta cocinarlos “al diente”.
        Sirva la sala caliente sobre los spaguettis acabados de hacer. Polvoréelos con el queso rallado. Da unas 8 raciones.
