Empanadas are a common Latin-American snack food. Every country has their own version of empanadas. This recipe is the one that I grew up with, and I think you will love them. Empanadas are very versatile, and you can get creative with the filling! The recipe for the dough is the exact same recipe for chiviricos, a popular Cuban treat (directions in the notes & comments).
Time: about 1 hour total
Makes about 12 medium-sized empanadas
1½ cup flour
½ tsp. salt
1 tbsp. white sugar
4 tbsp. Crisco
1 egg
3 tbsp. vino seco (cooking white wine)
- Sift the flour, salt, and sugar together in a bowl.
- Add the Crisco and mix with a fork until well mixed and crumbly.
- Create a crater in the middle and add the beaten egg and vino seco.
- Continue stirring with fork on a circular motion until all ingredients are well incorporated.
- Roll out the dough on a floured surface as thinly as possible (you can roll out the entire dough or do it in portions). Cut out circles of 4-6 inches in diameter.
- Fill the center of each round with the filling of your choice (guava paste, picadillo, fish, etc.)
- Fold the dough and roll out the edges (you can trim the edges to whichever size you prefer if you like)
- With a damp fork, seal the edges and poke a few hole over the filling.
- Fry the empanadas in frying oil at 375°F until they turn a golden-brown color (takes about 1-2 minutes, flipping half way).
- Dry on a cooling rack and allow to cool before serving.
Notes & Comments:
- Get creative with the fillings. These can either be savory and/or sweet. My favorite empanadas are filled with ground beef and guava paste. It may sound weird, bit the balance of savory and sweet is amazing.
- As mentioned in the introduction, the dough recipe is the exact same recipe for chiviricos, a popular Cuban snack. You can make an entire batch with the whole dough recipe, or a few with left over scraps. To make chiviricos, cut the dough into squares or triangles, about 1-2 inches long. Fry until golden brown. Immediately roll in white sugar and allow to cool before eating.
Receta Original:
1½ taza de harina
½ cdta. de sal
1 cda. azúcar blanca
4 cdas. de Crisco
1 huevo
3 cdas. vino seco
Cierna la harina con la sal y el azúcar. Añádale la manteca Crisco y córtela con el estribo hasta que esté como una boronilla. Póngale en el centro el huevo batido y el vino seco. Revuélvalo en forma circular hasta que esté todo unido. Tome la masa por porciones y extiéndala con el rodillo sobre una tabla enharinada de manera que quede lo más fina posible. Póngale el relleno que desee (pasta de guayaba, picadillo de carne, pescado, etc.). Dóblela y extienda nuevamente el borde o vuelo de la empanada con el rodillo de modo que quede bien finito. Córtela del tamaño que desee. Selle el borde con un tenedor humedeciéndolo ligeramente. Fríalas en aceite El Cocineo caliente (375°F) hasta que se doren. Salen unas 12 empanadas de buen tamaño.
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