Picadillo has always been a classic dish at my home. We'd have it at least once a week or two. It's a quick and easy meal with lots of flavor, and pairs very nicely with rice. The recipe provided by Nitza is very basic and has lots of room for modifications. No family's recipe is ever the same, so feel free to experiment with different spices and combinations of meats!
Time: about 30 minutes
Makes about 6 servings
¼ cup cooking oil
1 onion
1 large green pepper
1 garlic clove
½ lb. ground beef
½ lb. ground pork
¼ lb. ground ham
¾ cup alcaparrado (equal mix of capers, quartered olives, and diced pimentos)
1 tsp. salt
⅛ tsp. pepper
½ cup tomato sauce
¼ cup cooking wine (vino seco)
- Dice the onion and green peppers
- Mince the garlic
- Heat the oil in a large pan over medium heat
- Cook the diced onion, green pepper, and minced garlic until soft and translucent.
- Add the ground beef, pork, and ham and cook until lightly brown, stirring occasionally to mix meats and prevent sticking
- Mix in the salt, pepper, tomato sauce, vino seco, and alcaparrado, then cover pan with a lid
- Continue cooking over medium heat for about 20 minutes
- Serve hot
Notes & Comments:
- This seems to be a very basic recipe that allows for lots of versatility. I personally found this recipe to be a little bland as is and needed more traditional spices. Cumin, oregano, and a parsley are my favorite spice mixture, but feel free to add whatever other spices you like. Paprika, rosemary, and bayleaf are other spices I've seen used before.
- I've only ever had picadillo with only beef. The pork and ham are an interesting idea. But feel free to use 1 lb. beef or pork only if you prefer, or play with the ratios.
- I also love adding raisins to my picadillo, it adds an little sweetness. You would usually add this the last 5-10 minutes of cooking. You can also add diced potatoes as well.
- I prefer cooking this dish with olive oil.
- You can use white wine instead of vino seco if you prefer.
- I've heard that Worcestershire sauce is a great additional as well.
Receta Original:
¼ taza de aceite
1 cebolla
1 ají grande
1 diente de ajo
½ lb. de carne de res molida
½ lb. de carne de puerco molida
¼ lb. de jamón molido
¾ taza de alcaparrado
1 cdta. de sal
⅛ cdta. de pimienta
½ taza salsa de tomate
¼ taza vino seco
Caliente el aceite y sofría en él la cebolla picadita, el ajo machacado, así como el ají también picadito. Agregue las carnes y el jamón y cocínelo todo durante unos minutos revolviéndolo para que no se pegue. Añádale los demás ingredientes y déjelo cocinar a fuego mediano durante unos veinte minutos. Da 6 raciones.
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