Sopa de Cebolla (Onion Soup)



This recipe is a very simplified French onion soup. I personally found it to be somewhat bland. However, it is a decent basic recipe to experiment with and add ingredients to your liking.






Time: approximately 1 hour

Makes 4 servings


2 cups onion, sliced into thin wheels (2-3 small yellow onions)

⅛ lb. butter (4 tbsp, or ½ stick)

1½ cup broth

1 cup water

½ tsp. Worcestershire sauce

4 slices baguette bread

¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese


  • Melt the butter in a saucepan on medium heat
  • Add the onions and cook until soft and caramelized (15-20 minutes)
  • Add the broth, water, and Worcestershire sauce
  • Bring to a boil on high, then immediately bring to low and cover for about 25 minutes
  • Toast the slices of baguette and add one slice in an individual bowl or ramekin
  • Pour the soup over the bread and sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese
  • Place bowls under the broiler for 2-4 minutes until the cheese melts and browns

Creme of Onion Soup: Use 1¾ cup milk instead of water. Dissolve a tablespoon of flour in the milk to thicken the soup. Stir occasionally when cooking.

Notes & Comments:

  • Caramelizing the onions takes a while, so sit patiently. They should turn a transparent brown and be very soft (picture below for reference)
  • This recipe is makes a small amount of soup and is good as an appetizer for 4. If you want to have it as a meal for 4-6 people, double the recipe
  • I found this recipe to have too much butter. I would half it
  • I would replace the water with another cup of broth
  • I used chicken broth, but I think beef would have been better. If you use reduced sodium broth, add salt!
  • Gruyere or swiss cheese would go really well with this soup
  • I would add salt and pepper
  • I would double the amount of onions
  • Traditional French onion soups call for wine, so feel free to add some if you like


Receta Original:





2 taza de cebolla cortadas en ruedas muy finitas

⅛ lb. de mantequilla

1½ taza de consommé

1 taza de agua

½ cdta. de salsa inglesa

4 rebanadas de pan tostado

¼ taza queso parmesano rallado


            Caliente la mantequilla y cocine en ella la cebolla hasta que esté blandita. Añádale el consommé, agua y salsa inglesa. Déjela a fuego muy lento durante 25 minutos. Corte las tostadas en cuadritos y póngalos en cuatro cacerolitas individuales. Vierta la sopa sobre los cuadritos de pan y polvoréela con queso. Póngala al horno unos minutos bajo el gratinador para que se dore. Da 4 raciones.


Sopa de cebolla a la crema: Use 1¾ taza de leche en lugar de agua. Disuelva una cucharada de harina en la leche para espesar la sopa. Revuélvala mientas se cocina.
