Torticas de Moron (Cuban Sugar Cookies)


There traditional Cuban cookies have a crumbly, shortbread texture. They are not too sweet and have a little tang from the lime zest. You can find packs of there sold in various marketplaces in Miami, but homemade is, of course, much better! These would make great gifts.





Time: 45 minutes

Makes approximately 12-16 cookies



1 cup white sugar

1 cup Crisco

3 cups flour

1 tsp. lime zest


  • Preheat oven to 350°F 
  • Cream the Crisco and white sugar together
  • Slowly mix in the flour and lime zest
  • Once the dough is complete, roll it out on a floured service to a ½ inch thick sheet and cut into cookies about 1-2 inches in diameter. Alternatively, you can roll little balls by hand and press each down to make a cookie about 1-2 inches in diameter.
  • Place cookies on a baking sheet lined with wax paper and bake for 20-25 minutes.
  • If you like, spinkle each cookie with sugar before baking


Notes & Comments:

  • You can sprinkle more lime zest over the freshly baked torticas to add some more color and flavor.
  • I believe you can use lard instead of Crisco to make richer tasting cookies.




Receta Original:





1 taza azúcar blanca

1 taza de Crisco

3 tazas de harina

1 cdta. ralladura de limón


Una el Crisco con el azúcar y añádale la harina poco a poco y la ralladura de limón. Cuando todos esté unido, extiéndalo con el rodillo y corte la masa en redondeles o dele forma de tortica con la mano. Colóquelas en una tartera cubierta con papel encerado y hornéelas a 350°F durante 20 ó 25 minutos. So lo desea, polvoréelas antes o después de hornearlas con un poco de azúcar.
