Macarrones con Carne (Macaroni & Meat Casserole)

The best way I can describe this dish is a layered macaroni and picadillo casserole topped with cheese. You really can't go wrong with it!


Macarrones con Carne

Time: approximately 1 hour
Makes about 6 servings

2 tbsp. cooking oil
1 lb. ground beef
2 garlic cloves
½ onion
½ large green pepper
2 cans tomato sauce
2 tbsp. cooking wine (vino seco)
1 tsp. salt
¼ tsp. pepper
¼ tsp. oregano
1 bay leaf
½ lb. macaroni
4 cups boiling water
1 tbsp. salt
½ lb. Patagrás cheese (Gouda)
⅛ lb. Parmesan cheese

  • Finely chop the onions and green pepper
  • Mince the garlic
  • Shred both cheeses and combine
  • Preheat oven at 350°F
  • Heat the oil in a pan on medium heat and cook the chopped onions, green peppers, and minced garlic until soft
  • Add the ground beef and cook until brown, breaking it into small chunks like picadillo.
  • Add the vino seco, tomato sauce, salt, pepper, oregano and bay leaf. Cover and cook for about 15 minutes.
  • While the meat cooks, prepare the macaroni by cooking in boiling water and salt.
  • Remove the bay leaf from the meat.
  • In a greased casserole dish, layer the bottom with half the macaroni, then layer half the beef, then half the shredded cheese. Repeat the process with the other half of the ingredients.
  • Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
  • Serve warm.

Notes & Comments:
  • This would be a great way to make use of left over picadillo. The meat in this dish is basically the same recipe.
  • The meat could have some more flavor. I would maybe add more spices like cumin and parsley.


Receta Original:


2 cdas. de aceite
1 lb. de carne de res molida
2 dientes de ajo
½ cebolla
½ ají grande
2 latas salsa de tomate
2 cdas. vino seco
1 cdta. de sal
¼ cdta. de pimienta
¼ cdta. de orégano
1 hojita de laurel
½ lb. de macarrones
4 tazas de agua hirviendo
1 cda. de sal
½ lb. queso Patagrás
⅛ lb. de queso parmesano

        Caliente el aceite y sofría en el los dientes de ajo machacados, cebolla picadita y ají. Añada la carne y cuando esté ligeramente cocinada agregue el vino seco, salsa de tomate, sal, pimienta, orégano y laurel. Déjelo a juego lento bien tapado durante 15 minutos.
        Cocine los macarrones en el agua hirviendo con sal. Quite la hoja de laurel a la carne. En un molde engrasado con mantequilla, ponga una capa de macarrones, otra de carne y otra de queso rallado. Cúbralo con otra capa de macarrones y repita la capa de carne y queso. Hornéelo a 350F durante 25 minutos aproximadamente. De 6 raciones.
