

This is a classic Cuban dessert. They are essentially small sponge cakes drenched in a rich syrup. Typically, they are baked in cone-shaped molds, hence the name, which comes from the cone-shaped hoods worn by Capuchin monks. But if you don't have these specific mold, they can also be prepared in cupcake molds (like I made, which are called "cabezotes") or as a cake. Either way, they are much easier to make than expected, and the flavor is outstanding. The best nostalgic dessert.



Time: approximately 40 minutes
Makes around 12-20 servings (depending on size)

For the syrup:
3 cups white sugar
1½ cup water
1 lime
1 cinnamon stick
1 tsp. vanilla

For the cakes:
9 egg yolks
1 whole egg
2 tbsp. white sugar
4 tsp. cornstarch

  • Start by making the syrup: Add the sugar, water, cinnamon stick, and a few drops of the lime juice into a saucepan.
    • Bring to high heat and allow to boil for 3 minutes.
    • Remove from heat, then stir in the vanilla.
    • Set aside and allow to cool.
  • Preheat the oven to 375 °F
  • Prepare paper cones and place them in capuchino molds
  • Beat the egg yolks, whole egg, and sugar for about 10-15 minutes until it thickens (should doubles in size, become a pale-yellow color, and be able to form ribbons)
  • Sift the corn starch little-by-little and gently fold it in.
  • Transfer to a pastry sleeve with a medium-sized tip and fill each mold ⅔ full.
  • Bake for approximately 10-15 minutes or until golden brown on top.
  • To prevent the tips from burning, add a pan of water to the lower rack of the oven while baking the capuchinos in the upper rack
  • Remove the paper from each capuchino, place in a large dish, then drench in the syrup.
  • Allow to sit in refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.

Notes & Comments:
  • If you chose to make these as muffins or a cake, place the tray in a bain-marie.
  • If you make this into a large cake, place on lower rack and maybe lower temperature to 350°F. Once it is done, pour the syrup as soon as the cake it taken out and still hot.
  • If you use a stand/hand mixer, the time it takes to whip the eggs will be shorter (about 8-10 minutes on medium speed). Once you see it forming ribbons, then it’s done.
  • Baking time will also vary. Mine were done in 8 minutes, so keep an eye on them as they bake. Once the tops become a dark brown color, they should be ready.

Receta Original:


10 yemas de huevo
1 clara de huevo
2 cdas. azúcar blanca
4 cdtas. de maicena

        Encienda el horno a 375 °F. Prepare los cucuruchos de papel y colóquelos en los huequitos del molde para capuchinos. Bata las yemas, la clara y el azúcar durante unos 15 minutos hasta que esté bien espeso. Añádale poco a poco la maicena cernida envolviéndolo suavemente. Viértalo en una manga con boquilla mediana y llene los cucuruchos basta las dos terceras partes.
        Hornéelos aproximadamente 15 minutos o hasta que estén doraditos en el parte superior. Para evitar que se quemen las puntas ponga una tartera llana con un poco de agua en la parrilla inferior del horno, mientras hornea los capuchinos con el molde colocado en la parrilla superior. Después de horneados quíteles el papel y báñelos con almíbar. Salen aproximadamente 20 capuchinos.

3 tazas azúcar blanca
1½ taza de agua
1 limón
1 rama de canela
1 cdta. de vainilla

        Ponga al fuego el azúcar, agua, canela, la cáscara y unas gotas del jugo de limón. Déjelo hervir durante tres minutos. Añada la vainilla. Déjelo refrescar antes de añadirlo a los capuchinos.


  1. I'm so happy I found your blog! I've been searching for a copy of Cocina Criolla since mine was lost. It's near impossible to find, and the couple I've found are extremely expensive. I'll be following along with your recipes.


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