Albondigas (Cuban Meatballs)

Albondigas are essentially just Cuban meatballs. They are pretty simple to make and this recipe makes a lot! Perfect for a party. They can be served as a meal with rice or pasta, or even just by themselves as a side dish.


Albondigas (Cuban Meatballs)

Time: approx. 1.5 hours
Makes 8 servings

1½ lb. ground beef
2 tbsp. ground onion
2 tbsp. ground green pepper
2 eggs
¼ cup milk
1 cup ground crackers
1 tsp. mustard
1 tsp. salt
⅛ tsp. black pepper
½ cup flour to coat the meatballs
¼ cup oil for frying

2 garlic cloves
1 onion
1 green pepper
1 can tomato sauce
⅓ cup ketchup
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. white sugar
½ cup vino seco

  • Grind the crackers in a food processor
  • In a food processor, separately grind the onion and green pepper. Set aside 2 tbsp. of each for the meatballs, then combine them for the sauce.

  • Mix all the meatball ingredients together in a large bowl until well incorporated.
  • Roll mixture into balls, about 1-2 inches in diameter, then roll in flour to coat each. Set aside.
  • In a large pot, heat up the oil over medium heat, then brown all sides of the meatballs, in batches to avoid overcrowding. Set the meatballs aside.
  • In the same oil, fry the remaining ground onion and green pepper until soft, then mix in the minced garlic for about a minute.
  • Add the remaining sauce ingredients and mix well.
  • Add the meatballs, them bring to a boil over high heat.
  • Reduce to low heat immediately and cover the pot. Allow to cook for 30 minutes.

Notes & Comments:
  • If you're going to use store-bought ketchup, I personally would skip it in the sauce, or use less. I thought the flavor was a little overwhelming. However, I think if you make your own (recipe will be uploaded soon), then all of it.

Receta Original:


1½ lb. de carne de res molida
2 cdas. de cebolla molida
2 cdas. de ají molido
2 huevos
¼ taza de leche
1 taza de galleta molida
1 cdta. de mostaza
1 cdta. de sal
⅛ cdta. de pimienta

        Una todos los ingredientes y déle forma de albóndigas. Páselas por harina y sofríalas en aceite caliente hasta que estén doraditas. Quite las albóndigas del aceite y prepare la siguiente salsa:

¼ taza de aceite
2 diente de ajo
1 cebolla
1 ají
1 lata salsa de tomate
⅓ taza de salsa catsup
1 cdta. de sal
1 cdta. azúcar blanca
½ taza vino seco

        Sofría el ajo, cebolla y ají picaditos en el aceite caliente, añádale los demás ingredientes y revuélvalo todo bien. Coloque las albóndigas en la salsa y cocínelas a fuego lento durante 30 minutos. Da 8 raciones.
