Cuban Dulce de Leche is one of my favorite desserts of all times. Not to be confused with the creamy dulce de leche popular in other South American countries, Cuban dulce de leche is made by reducing curdled milk with lots of sugar until in caramelizes into a sweet and syrupy dessert. It is a super simple dessert to make, especially if you have a lot of milk laying around, but you will have to be patient because it takes a while. However, your home will smell amazing while it cooks!
Time: approximately 2.5 hours
Makes about 4-6 servings
1 liter whole milk (approx. 4 cups)
1 lb. white sugar (approx. 2 cups)
2 eggs
1 tbsp. lime juice (approx. ½ a lime)
¼ tsp. salt
1 cinnamon stick

Notes & Comments:
1 liter whole milk (approx. 4 cups)
1 lb. white sugar (approx. 2 cups)
2 eggs
1 tbsp. lime juice (approx. ½ a lime)
¼ tsp. salt
1 cinnamon stick
- Beat the eggs in a bowl.
- In a large pot, mix in the beaten eggs and all remaining ingredients.
- Bring to high heat, stirring constantly, until it begins to boil, then reduce to medium heat.
- Once the milk begins to curdle, leave the pot uncovered and continue cooking over medium heat until it reduces and the curdles become a dark brown/caramel color. This will take approximately 2 hours. Stir occationally in the last 30 minutes to avoid burning at the bottom of the pot.
Notes & Comments:
- If you prefer a more syrupy consistency, add about another ½ cup sugar and 1 cup water.
- I also like to add a quarter-size slice of lime while it cooks for extra flavor.
- This can be made without the eggs. This will result in a more dry consistency, which a lot of people prefer. With eggs, it is softer and chewier.
- This recipe can also be made with milk that is already spoiled. Because the milk is already curdled, the lime is not needed.
- You can substitute the lime for vinegar if you do not have limes or do not like the lime flavor.
Receta Original:
1 litro de leche
1 lb. azúcar (2 tazas)
2 huevos
1 cda. jugo de limón
¼ cdta. de sal
1 pedazo de canela en rama
Mezcle la leche con el azúcar, huevos batidos, limón, sal y canela. Cocínelo todo a fuego mediano hasta que tenga color de caramelo. Da 4 raciones.
1 litro de leche
1 lb. azúcar (2 tazas)
2 huevos
1 cda. jugo de limón
¼ cdta. de sal
1 pedazo de canela en rama
Mezcle la leche con el azúcar, huevos batidos, limón, sal y canela. Cocínelo todo a fuego mediano hasta que tenga color de caramelo. Da 4 raciones.
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