Crema de Mantequilla (Buttercream Frosting)

This is just a basic American buttercream frosting. I like how variations are included, they all sound delicious. The basic vanilla version came out great, and I even used it to frost my birthday cake (Cake Blanco) back in 2020!


Buttercream Frosting (and variations)

Time: 5 minutes
Makes enough to frost an 8 to 10-inch diameter cake

¼ lb. butter (1 stick or 8 tbsp.)
3 cups powder sugar
4 tbsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla

  1. Cream the room temperature butter.
  2. Alternate beating in the powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla at a low speed.
  3. Continue beating until well incorporated and smooth.
  • Orange: Use orange juice instead of milk. Add a tablespoon of orange rind.
  • Coffee: Use 2 tablespoons of chilled espresso and only 2 tablespoons of milk.
  • Chocolate: Mix in 2 or 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder to the milk before pouring.
  • Mint: Use peppermint extract instead of vanilla. Add a few drops of green food coloring to your liking.
  • Maple and walnut: Use maple extract instead of vanilla. Mix in a cup of chopped nuts.

Notes & Comments:
  • More or less milk can be added to desired consistency.
  • This recipe can easily be doubled or tripled, depending on the size cake you want to make.
  • Would make a great frosting for cupcakes as well.

Receta Original:


¼ lb. mantequilla
3 tazas azúcar en polvo
4 cdas. de leche
1 cdta. de vainilla

Bata la mantequilla añadiéndole poco a poco los demás ingredientes. Da cantidad suficiente para un cake de 8 ó 10 pulgadas.

De naranja: Use jugo de naranja en lugar de leche. Añádale una cucharada de ralladura de naranja.

De café: Use dos cucharadas de café fuerte y solo dos cucharadas de leche.

De chocolate: Añádale dos o tres cucharas de cocoa disueltas en la leche.

De menta: Use extracto de menta en lugar de vainilla. Añádale unas gotas de tinte vegetal verde.

De maple y nueces: Añádale extracto de maple en lugar de vainilla y use taza de nueces picaditas.
